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Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

I got to admit Rafflesimon is pretty hot even with the black corrosion.
What's sad is this only gonna have 67 to 68 eps all together and already finally getting into the digital world which if this gonna end with such a rush job this will be just as bad as the Digimon Adventures reboot rushing or the Digifusion/Digi Xros Wars 2nd sesason.

But I think this may just be cut off at this certain point to bring out a season 2 since this's leaving so much hanging in the air, or spinoff of Digimon GG that still continues the story.

Ian Nava H • 1 year ago

This really feels like ghost game could end with a cliffhanger to be continued.
Even if they rushed the ending, it feels to short to truly give it a conclusion only in 2 episodes

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

So far it looks like it will have a S2 or spinoff to continue since the megas were release so late and this is leaving a big gap where it should continue.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

Everything ends with 67th episode because hiatus will last for two weeks.
Ghost Game has, for now, potential for second season because it feels almost impossible to end everything in proper way in just two episodes.

for anyone who dosent know

Episode 66 has been delayed by three weeks. Episode 66 will air on March 19th.

Also love digimon ghost gamer, man deserves more love,

qwertyuiop • 1 year ago

This episodes already felt so rush. And the animation is really bad haha. Well at least we get to see Rafflesimon even the battle felt underwhelming.

With only 2 episodes left, I don't think it is enough to wrap the show. I hope at least they can provide a movie with high quality to finish it.

Annecy Change • 1 year ago

Gulus told him eff her in the inside. Dam so bruatal. lol

lady vivi ★ • 1 year ago

All I can think about is how the rafflesia flower is supposed to smell like a dead body.

Melfina Rose • 1 year ago

That was a lot to take in for a single ep but nice to see everyone making a cameo again but that colour scheme, how did no one associate it with Gulus?

I dunno what I'm annoyed at more, the two week hiatus, the sudden two ep finale, which means a rush job, when we've had plenty of time to pace it out or for a finale ep, the animation quality really dropped this week.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

All those filler episodes now seem as a waste of time.
They seriously had to start with actual plot much earlier, because now everything will be so rushed. We have to see debut of powerful three digimon in just two episodes.
It's possible that Gulus and his evolutions are responsible for destruction now in digital world.

ryuuri • 1 year ago

I notice a lot of the villains in this series are Nature Spirits, Jungle Troopers, and Wind Guardians. Which are Fields that are usually plants, insects or can fly in some cases.

Interesting episode, although Rafflesimon's death was quite sad (for those who don't know it's a Digimon with a very short lifespan, a few days at most)

nff • 1 year ago

bro cant believe show ending in 2 more episdoe, the digital world arc could ben longer. How they gonna debuted Regulusmon and Arcturusmon in just 2 episode?

SaintInfernal Neos • 1 year ago

Wasn't it 3 more episodes?

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

Hiatus will last two weeks, so we only have two more episodes to see.

SaintInfernal Neos • 1 year ago

Any reasons as for why there is a hiatus?

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

Two weeks of marathon. Marathon in Tokyo and marathon in Nagoya, I think.
That's why we have two weeks hiatus.

Proum Kroum • 1 year ago

This episode was terrible.

1 - Animation/Artstyle felt so whacky especially in the first half, difficult to believe that this episode is the first part of a 3-parter finale when it has all these goofy and badly-drawn faces and movements.

2- Like everybody expected once they knew about 67 being the finale, it was beyond rushed.

3- Terrible writing choices. Going to the digital world at 65? This should have happened 20 episodes ago! Why Rafflesimon now? Makes no sense, she was in no way related to the plot nor we know anything about her and she was killed pretty quickly too. So why make her appear in this episode and waste precious 10 minutes on something that could have advanced the plot? Heck, they could have easily replaced her part with something that's necessary and neat like Hiro/Hakuto drama with him leaving for more than a year without a care and yet Hiro just meets Hakuto like that, no substance literally nothing.

Why now that Gammamon knows about Gulus, Lilithmon already made him aware of it a while ago. "Bokomon lied" must be the sweatiest lie I ever saw in a TV show to hide the fact that the writers pulled it out of their ass in the last minute. Jesus freaking Christ. Oh and it seems that MoonMillieniummon is going to have 0 role whatsoever, it's just floating as it's being sleep like a part of Hiro's digimon collection, add that to the endless list of "hinted/started storylines but no conclusion" and the other endless list of "unnecessary episodes we could have done without"

I can't believe that this show turned out to be this way, Fuck, it had so much potential in the beginning but Mr. "This show is episodic because people lost their attention span due to Tiktok" ruined it all with his shit. The finale is going to be the most rushed shit ever in any Digimon show due to the countless unresolved storylines they started and "The One" is 100% either Yggdrasil or Homeostasis because they can't introduce a new Digimon out of nowhere so they have to use a previous known character from the other series with an already established motivation.

They spent the whole show screwing around and now they are screwing it all up. There isn't even nearly enough time to emotionally invest in Gulus or his motiviation/history (if they even give him that), the character everybody was waiting for. Ugh. We could have done away without many episodes. Who the hell needed the badly-disguised-fetish Mushroom episode? Who wanted the strange Meicoomon episode? The faces-stealer, the rock digimon and the water beaty kinda episodes were also unnecessary trash. Add to that the Jiraya episode. There are too many episodes that were very unnecessary.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

I totally agree with you.
First 21 episodes (beofre forced hiatus in March 2022) were good with many meaningful and important plot drops (Gammamon learned which adult form to choose, Ruli and Tesla Jellymon synced up in Frozomon's episode, Bokomon's tragic death, Gulus being mysterious threat).
From Digitamamon's episode to Siriusmon's episode we got never-ending cycle of filler episodes with some exception (Thetismon's and Lamortmon's debut, Espimon's arrival, Gulus' in Oboromon's episode).
Bokomon lied seems like a cheap move. Okay, he lied them for their best interest then, but Bakumon could tell them that Bokomon lied much earlier and not now in 65th episode.
They wasted time on Rafflesimon, but they mentioned Kokabuterimon as someone useful, but we saw that digimon for one second and that was it.
I was so sure that Moon Millenniummon is going to be device for Gulus' evolution but it seems that I was very wrong about that.
They left two episodes and we have to see Regulusmon, Arcturusmon and Proximamon, potentially "The One". They will rush everything and they will ruin Ghost Game, the season who could be one of the best, but they ruined it.

Proum Kroum • 1 year ago

Indeed. Ghost Game had such amazing setup. A horror-themed Digimon show? SWEET! The main character has issues with his dad and having to deal with everything he screws up? NICE! Many (not all) of Digimons are misunderstood beings? Pretty fun! One of the main characters is someone who's afraid from them constantly and his digimon has a romance relationship with him? Very new but let's dive into that kind of dynamic! One of the main characters is a fun outgoing girl who also kicks ass? YES. The main character's digimon has an evil side that's planning something? Amazing! High stakes? Great! Mysteries? Let's go!


For 23-24 episodes and then boom, the coward character never develops and never outgrows his fear, the fun girl never develops any sort of an arc, they NEVER resolve any storylines and keep resetting the status quo once the episode ends. No matter how many incidents happen in the human world, people never know about it SOMEHOW and you know, the other bad stuff they screwed up. Oh and I just remembered Espimon is apparently a random Digimon who just wanted to evolve? WTF. We spent 20+ episodes being tricked by an advertisement saying that he's key to something relevant and it turned out that he was never important.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

Ghost Game had potential to be one of the best digimon seasons so far.
Characters were funny and lovable in the beginning, but I think that they stay the same, not only Kiyoshiro, but Ruli and Hiro, too. I don't see their growth as characters, something that digimon done pretty well in previous seasons (namely, Tamers, Savers and Appmon).

Gulus is only consistency and he wasn't incident and I like how he appeared (first time, he appeared because of Gammamon's grief, second time, he appeared as Gammamon's instinctively evolution, thrird and fourth time, he appeared because of Gammamon's rage) almost out of nowhere, but that was it. Nothing more about him and his backstory, almost nothing about those black digimon.

It always annoys me how everyone just forget everything from the past episode and move forward to new enemy.

Espimon is just... I hate him. He debuted in episode 38 and we know that Hokuto sent him to Hiro to help him or whatever. Espimon wasted 24 episodes because of his "fake Hiro" nonsense and, in the end, he just wanted to evolve. And, that's it. That's his purpose in GG.
Heck, even Ryudamon evolved in episode 48 for practically nothing and we even didn't see much of him after that.

FunnehRabbitMan • 1 year ago

Rafflesias smell like rotting meat, so have fun visualizing that.

Mufti Saili • 1 year ago

this could be the half point, like episode 20 or 25, but they drag it 40 episode too far.

howlingwolfjoey • 1 year ago

Gotta be honest, this is one of the weakest 1st of the 3rd episode finale. I kinda wished that they would've put more buildup & explain it earlier in the series. Even as far as get of the digimons that was introduced before like Pidemon or Vandemon and give us a resolution to those ongoing stories. But it looks like we're gonna get a rushed ending with no payoff. This is what happens if you cater to audience that don't watch your shit aka TikTok with 30+ FILLER EPISODES.

Looks like the next episode will be Bloomlordmon and the title "Black Dragon of Destruction". It looks like we're FINALLY gonna get Regulusmon in this episode, but its a bit too late dont you think? There was barely any development between the two sides unless they're gonna pump out both Regulusmon and Artreusmon in the same episode. Then I have a theory that Gammamon is the source of the RGB virus and he gonna sacrifice himself to save the world to a point he returns to a digi-egg and will not remember Hiro and co. Thats my theory because Gammamon's death is being set up to a point where he accepts death and the shit that happened in the Bokomon episode.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

It's too late to end everything properly now.
In two episodes, we have to see Regulusmon, Arcturusmon and Proximamon, and I just don't know how they will handle it.
Regulusmon is cited on Wikimon like this - Its body is the source of an infection known as "GRB" (Gulus Realm Burst), and it is said that Digimon infected with "GRB Factor" have their personalities altered and become frenzied.
It's possible that Gammon wouldn't survive ending, but we have to wait and see.

Could that be Bloomlordmon the Final Villains

rosanavalery422_108 • 1 year ago

Ep 66!!! :D

Ascalibur • 1 year ago

BLOOMLORD!! I wasn't expecting him to make his anime debut here but i'll take it. One of my favorite digimon of all time, I really hope they do him justice here.

brianuuu • 1 year ago

what the hell, I have to comment this even tho I just watched 5 minutes, what the fuck is wrong with their faces this episode?????

Zosha • 1 year ago

It took the people over more than a year but they finally started to see the Digimons LMAO
Edit: This episode looks weird. Maybe they're leaving the quality animation for the finale?
Edit 2: Fucking Bokomon. There was a reason he was the least favorite out of the three Digimon companions in Frontier, huh? LMAO
I still think it's too late for the plot to enter, but let's see what'll happen
Edit 4: So I just went down the comment section and knowing now that the series ends in 2 episodes.... RIP

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

Was that Aoi Tada who voiced Terriermon Assistant?

We won't have three more episodes, but only two, because hiatus will last for two weeks. So, we will get 66th and 67th and that would be it.
They will rush everything and they will seriously make Ghost Game bad. In only two episodes left, we have to see Regulusmon, Arcturusmon and Proximamon. I just don't know how well they gonna do that.
I still hope that Ghost Game will have continuation or second season after 67th episode because it feels almost impossible to wrap up and end everything in just two episodes.
Seriously, all those filler episodes now seem even more unimportant and useless. Moon Millenniummon was also useless.
Of course, you will have so much to ask, Hiro, but it seems like that even Hokuto doesn't know so much.
Bokomon-sensei who tragically died before 52 episodes, becomes relevant now. So, they could go to the digital world, but Bokomon thought it was too risky so he lied to them.
It was nicee to see Emma, and of course, Kotarou and Fukatsu. Maybe, Hokuto will make some digivices for them. It was also splendid to see all those digimon from previous episodes.

Digital world surely is in mess, but all those black and purple colors reminds me of Gulus Gammamon, but that's just me.
So, black Brachimon, black Kuwagamon and black Rafflesimon aren't new digimon, just regular digimon who got infected. Kokabuterimon needs more love! So, Siriusmon took down Rafflesimon with Gulus' help. Well, that was unexpected.

Next time, Bloom Lordmon and potentially debut of Regulusmon? I am not sure that Bloom Lordmon is "The One".
It looks like many questions will be left without answers.

NightDevil00 • 1 year ago

You know what is sad is when anyone who has talent with fanfiction could take a certain point in the Ghost Game timeline and can do whatever they want with it like for example create one single episodic formula episode that ends wrong and slowly veer from the status quo. Hopefully you still have the link to my doc because I am still doing that. The current episode I am writing you can imagine a scenario where after the events of a previous episode, Hiro kicks Espimon out of his dorm room while also becoming cold towards his friends and dorm mates leading Kiyoshiro to confront him about it.

Although it doesn't change that I am using concepts created in Ghost Game to create my own thing.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

Episodic formula isn't that bad if you don't have plot.
Ghost Game wants to be episodic with plot and that's impossible.
What we got are numerous filler episode without real connection with other episode (nothing really connects Gigasmon, Calamaramon, Publimon and Oleamon, for example).
Plot was very hidden from us and began to unravel now, near the end, and I really doubt it how they gonna end everything in plausible way. In two episodes, they have to wrap up everything with so many unanswered questions. That seems unlikely.

I read your episodes from time to time, and I must say that I really enjoy them, because your writing is way better than in Ghost Game and everything is fairly connected as it should be.

NightDevil00 • 1 year ago

I believe you can still make a series episodic and still have a plot. I say that because shows like Justice League animated has done that. The key would be at least having some connection to other episodes.

How did you think of my episode of when Lucius unveils himself to Gammamon and while I am not finished yet, the events of that previous episode is in a way puts Hiro down the 5 stages of depression. It would be so kind if you could comment on my doc from time to time because I am not done yet.

brianuuu • 1 year ago

yep that's indeed Aoi Tada reprising her role
I did saw some article V-Jump stating the episode title until 67th, but is it really true that's the finale tho? It did not specify it is

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

That's funny because they still didn't announce number of episodes.
So, 67th episode may be the end of the first season and we will have break until second season or they will wait March 26th to tell us that 67th is final episode.

toling54 • 1 year ago

1st time seeing a Champion stronger than a Mega

Forky • 1 year ago

You get numb to it after seeing an in-training Digimon take down, and eat, Piedmon.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

Not really.
I would say that Gulus powered up Siriusmon to take down Rafflesimon.

ryquicy • 1 year ago

Regulusmon next ep? Black Dragon of Destruction sounds just about the right description XD

Kranesh • 1 year ago

Yeah... I can already see the rush happening, from Hokuto not being able to explain anything to the trip to the Digiworld and the battle against Rafflesimon being very underwhelming... but hey, things got really interesting when they reached those sky ruins, and seems like Siriusmon will start to tap into Gulus for more power, so Regulusmon soon perhaps?

Either way, while the episode indeed got interesting at the end... I don't think I'm prepared for all the rush (Not even a single interaction with that Kabuterimon or the other survivors from Rafflesimon? Great...), unless Ghost Game ends in a cliffhanger and the promise of a second season that is, but other than that... yeah, we'll have to wait and see since we're approaching the 68 episode mark.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

Unfortunately, hiatus will last for two weeks, so we will have only two more episodes, 66th will be on March 19th and 67th on March 26th.
They will rush everything.

I mean, all those questions will be forgotten, and we will never know answers.
Rafflesimon was dangerous, surely, but she got defeated so easily, with little help of Gulus.
They mentioned Kokabuterimon as someone important, but not a single word with him.

Maybe, in next episode, we will see Regulusmon and, even, maybe Arcturusmon. We have to see three powerful digimon in just two episodes. It looks like that even Moon Millenniummon as device for Gulus' evolution wasn't true.

Kranesh • 1 year ago

I'm already prepared to be disappointed really hard.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

We're on the same boat of disappointment.

They could make Ghost Game one of the best digimon seasons and they started it like that, but they dropped everything in favour of almost never-ending filler cycle.
I just don't know how they will end everything in two episodes with so many unanswered questions.

Second season would be nice, but I doubt that will happen.

Ian Nava H • 1 year ago

Potential rushed ending aside (that may or not end suddenly or in a cliffhanger "to be continued"), it was nice seeing all the cameos from other characters.

I kinda wished we could have seen a little more, like Kiyoshiro's co-worker Mehru and Geckomon and ShogunGeckomon reacting to everything. But otherwise the amount with got was fine.

Heck. We even got a cameo from Zeed=Milleniummon sleeping peacefully in Hiro's room while everything else is in chaos.

We even got Professor Bokkomon being relevant thanks to flashbacks. That was unexpected.

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

We saw Emma finally.
Meru-san is forgotten, I would say.
Digimon that appears in the river, was that Jumbo Gamemon or someone else?

Moon Millenniummon was just useless and I thought he will be device for Gulus' evolution, but I was wrong apparently.

Bokomon-sensei was a lovable character but he is relevant now, after 52 episodes of his death.

Ian Nava H • 1 year ago

Hokuto (looking at Hiro's classmates, who were listening to the going to the Digital World): So kids..... anyone here knows what a Digimon is?

I know i sound full copium, but it really feels like he will give them digivices offscreen

Xeon • 1 year ago

That could be a possibility, with Hiro and his friends in the Digital World having another group of characters help defend the Human World in case things go wrong sounds like the logical thing to do (especially since one of Hiro's classmates already had experience dealing with Digimon), the thing is... what Hokuto said about his "Vital Bracelet" and how Black Tailmon Uver. told him how to use some of its functions makes me think that maybe Hokuto is not the creator of the device... or maybe he didn't create the device alone, but who knows... Based on what we know about his personality, there's a chance he'll end up doing crazy things instead of thinking about how to help.

... In any case I want to see Riku and Meicrackmon become friends again.

Ian Nava H • 1 year ago

That would be wholesome. Especially if Meickcrackmon now behaves like a tsundere

As a payoff to Koutaro wanting a girlfriend across the entire show, i would pair up Koutaro with Bastemon

Petar Dimić • 1 year ago

If Fukatsu get his digivice, it will be nice to be partnered up with Meicrackmon once again.